And a Happy New Year!
I'm happy to announce that Disruptive Wind has a name at last for the new toy:
The Instigator (TM) Wave Maker !
Instigator (TM) being the trademarked brand , and wave maker being the descriptive term.
I was not planning to, but I ended up spending over a month out of the country, 4 weeks of that on a remote tropical island. A great place to windsurf, kiteboard, dive, snorkel, surf, kayak, paddleboard, etc.. I windsurfed to another island 2 1/2 miles away and set a new speed record on the broad reach return of over 30 MPH! I also rode a peeling wave that was over mast high on my seventh journey out into the sea! I think this will be a great place to hold a pro camp to train folks on the Instigator (TM) once we are at that point. Imagine some of the best talent on the planet getting together for a 2 week long party, paid for by their sponsors at a fantastic place I'm sure most have never been. The food is delicious, staff is awesome, and the Instigator (TM) so much fun! Because we are designing it to be.
I wish I could say more, but our competitors (at least some of them) are already scrambling to improve their products and sales pitches. This is a good thing if we can stand out from that but since we are not that far along yet, I do not want to give too much advantage away. We are still looking at various business plans/models and performing literally thousands of thought experiments so that our upcoming physical R & D costs will be minimized.
I have spent a lot of time the past couple of months "zooming out" on our business. 2015 saw a number of new inventions which are mostly being put on hold as we "zoom in" again to focus on the Instigator (TM). The MoaB (TM) repositioner is not forgotten, we will be continuing to revamp the prototype fleet, and expect to continue to showcase and develop. The plan is to always have something going, and back up plans should there be stall out (or buy out or bail out!) . After all, this is my one and only job now, and I am 100% committed to making this company a success !
All for now, have a great New Year, we plan to !
This is the story, in progress, of how Peter Schulz, and his company Disruptive Wind, is bringing bold new innovation to our world.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Passionate inventing and the grand vision
I thought I'd get a few thoughts out before I disappear for awhile.
First off. Yes, I am working on something big, really big. It's been the plan all along. The MoaB (TM) repositioner was supposed to be a slam dunk and finance the larger project.
However, it seems to be a 'binary" idea that was before it's time.
We all learned a lot in the process and I certainly do not regret having taken that route.
In fact, keys concepts were revealed that are proving crucial to moving forward.
Also, technology, materials, and wind/water sports have progressed, as well as my own education.
I came up with the big idea a number of years ago, which is actually a collection of concepts put together that satisfy some great "What if you could" questions. Interspersed among the MoaB field sessions has been some top secret testing of these concepts. I now know most of them do work in practice and theoretically they may work together. A LOT of time and energy is going into design work, engineering, and planning. Some serious science, especially physics/math. is involved.
I love to invent from scratch. It's easier to think outside the box that way. Conventional wisdom is both an enemy and an opportunity. Questioning and determining the validity of that wisdom is a lot of work and most do not ever do so. It is much easier to build upon the work of others. Once I have a good hypothesis going, THEN I look and see what others have done and what the conventional wisdom is. Often, this means a dead end or someone has beat me to it. But if I can find a flaw, or a truth not well known, then I may be onto something.
I look at "working the problem", a rock climbing expression. For me to have success, this usually means I have to be a little bit obsessed. I think about it all times of the day and night whenever I have any thought free to spare. Our brains are very interesting in how so much is done not by conscious thought, I think this explains why I am never bored, I always have an interesting problem to work on. It is critical to maintain my interest and motivation that I be passionate about whatever it is I am working on.
Back to the grand idea. This is really out there. Probably another binary idea and potentially way ahead of it's time. A fair amount of "but"s and "however"s seem likely. I believe the route to success on this one is an advanced prototype that reliably proves the concepts in a manner that is not open to question. I have a vision of how to do this: a video production that blows peoples minds. Basically a stunt to start off with that has never been done before, followed by footage that shows beyond a doubt the amazing things now possible that makes folks exclaim "I want to do that! Can I buy one of those?" And this is the video that will be shown only to those I want to partner with to make the answer "YES!" I'm talking drone footage, on-board cameras, on-water cameras, on-shore, and on the rider, hopefully using something like Google Glass to show operational parameters in real time from monitoring sensors and GPS. The script is written and a lot of folks will be involved. On a need to know basis only.
Execution: A lot of folks and companies will be involved before this ever gets to the public eye. This is a huge project. Maybe too ambitious. It may be that just one new concept is rolled out at first or that not all concepts will be included. In any event, do not expect this to available any time soon.
Secrecy: Some have heard I am up to something big and are worried. I apologize for this. I can say that there is no plan to disrupt current industry, despite our name! I see this as a huge boost to almost all concerned. Spying or hacking is not necessary but will be fruitless even if attempted. There are no prototypes kept at any of our known locations or in vehicles. We have secure locations that are secret. No files on computers that ever connect to the internet. No notebooks,No documents. Computers are with me personally as I travel or are secured at previously mentioned locations. Past experience has shown me to be way too paranoid about this, but I would rather be safe than sorry nonetheless.
So there you have it. I talked at length but you have no clue still. Even if you do, you really probably don't. I am a master of misdirection, me thinks. I have tried not to tease, but to give reassurance that I have a grand plan but that much patience will be required before seeing the results.
By the way, I quit my day job to give my full brainpower to this. I'm nothing but serious about making this happen!
I thought I'd get a few thoughts out before I disappear for awhile.
First off. Yes, I am working on something big, really big. It's been the plan all along. The MoaB (TM) repositioner was supposed to be a slam dunk and finance the larger project.
However, it seems to be a 'binary" idea that was before it's time.
We all learned a lot in the process and I certainly do not regret having taken that route.
In fact, keys concepts were revealed that are proving crucial to moving forward.
Also, technology, materials, and wind/water sports have progressed, as well as my own education.
I came up with the big idea a number of years ago, which is actually a collection of concepts put together that satisfy some great "What if you could" questions. Interspersed among the MoaB field sessions has been some top secret testing of these concepts. I now know most of them do work in practice and theoretically they may work together. A LOT of time and energy is going into design work, engineering, and planning. Some serious science, especially physics/math. is involved.
I love to invent from scratch. It's easier to think outside the box that way. Conventional wisdom is both an enemy and an opportunity. Questioning and determining the validity of that wisdom is a lot of work and most do not ever do so. It is much easier to build upon the work of others. Once I have a good hypothesis going, THEN I look and see what others have done and what the conventional wisdom is. Often, this means a dead end or someone has beat me to it. But if I can find a flaw, or a truth not well known, then I may be onto something.
I look at "working the problem", a rock climbing expression. For me to have success, this usually means I have to be a little bit obsessed. I think about it all times of the day and night whenever I have any thought free to spare. Our brains are very interesting in how so much is done not by conscious thought, I think this explains why I am never bored, I always have an interesting problem to work on. It is critical to maintain my interest and motivation that I be passionate about whatever it is I am working on.
Back to the grand idea. This is really out there. Probably another binary idea and potentially way ahead of it's time. A fair amount of "but"s and "however"s seem likely. I believe the route to success on this one is an advanced prototype that reliably proves the concepts in a manner that is not open to question. I have a vision of how to do this: a video production that blows peoples minds. Basically a stunt to start off with that has never been done before, followed by footage that shows beyond a doubt the amazing things now possible that makes folks exclaim "I want to do that! Can I buy one of those?" And this is the video that will be shown only to those I want to partner with to make the answer "YES!" I'm talking drone footage, on-board cameras, on-water cameras, on-shore, and on the rider, hopefully using something like Google Glass to show operational parameters in real time from monitoring sensors and GPS. The script is written and a lot of folks will be involved. On a need to know basis only.
Execution: A lot of folks and companies will be involved before this ever gets to the public eye. This is a huge project. Maybe too ambitious. It may be that just one new concept is rolled out at first or that not all concepts will be included. In any event, do not expect this to available any time soon.
Secrecy: Some have heard I am up to something big and are worried. I apologize for this. I can say that there is no plan to disrupt current industry, despite our name! I see this as a huge boost to almost all concerned. Spying or hacking is not necessary but will be fruitless even if attempted. There are no prototypes kept at any of our known locations or in vehicles. We have secure locations that are secret. No files on computers that ever connect to the internet. No notebooks,No documents. Computers are with me personally as I travel or are secured at previously mentioned locations. Past experience has shown me to be way too paranoid about this, but I would rather be safe than sorry nonetheless.
So there you have it. I talked at length but you have no clue still. Even if you do, you really probably don't. I am a master of misdirection, me thinks. I have tried not to tease, but to give reassurance that I have a grand plan but that much patience will be required before seeing the results.
By the way, I quit my day job to give my full brainpower to this. I'm nothing but serious about making this happen!
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Top Secret
Been quiet lately because we are working on a top secret project and it just seems cruel to tease folks. However, I do want you to know that we are very excited and moving forward, just not in a public way right now.
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Here is a little fun video.
My windsurfer took a trip without me!
Working on more videos but the opportunities to showcase in stronger wind and larger swells keep happening , thus generating even more awesome video than what we already have, so I am now farther behind than ever!
This was what it was doing at Marker 40 at The Wall yesterday (August 14, 2015).
I was out on the water at the windiest time of the day and I was completely BY MYSELF
at Marker 40 and Peach Beach. I could see some folks out at Maryhill and when I returned from my journey back to the launch at Marker 41, there was the largest crowd I have ever seen, including the likes of Wyatt Miller, Anna Rohden, John Akagi, and Tyson Poor. It was quite a bit mellower there with a lot less wind and much smaller swell, but all looked to be having a great time.
The day I had was BEYOND EPIC as I was more than "generously" powered on a 5.0 Loft sail and my 90 liter Fish with Moab (TM) repositioner. The largest river swells I have ever windsurfed on, at times I just let the sail vane out and held on with one hand. I sure hope the cameras caught some of this incredible action.
One thing is certain. I have pushed the limits well beyond what I thought was possible. Each session tops the last one in terms of new moves, longer "ski rides", faster jibes, confidence to "mix it up" with the pros, and to showcase in front of the crowds and cameras. My next video is tentatively titled
"Buzzing the Hatch", using footage from August 4, where we launched from Swell City on a "Big Day" and took fun swell rides and downwind blasts past the Hatchery.
I would have done better yesterday at The Wall, except that I had the longest session of my Disruptive Wind career the day before (August 13, 2015) with what I am calling "The Tour".
Launched at Waterfront Park in Hood River on the FoaB with 5.7 Loft. Kept blasting by this guy in a Zodiac as he headed downriver, past the kiter crowd off the new spit, Wells Island, The Hatchery, and finally to Swell City. I think I can claim ANOTHER FIRST as I believe I was potentially photographed AT EVERY LOCATION he was at on our journey together. I did not realize he was a photographer at first as he was having a challenging time getting through the sizable swells.
Update: Here are links to the Stawacki photos:
10+ photos. At start and again at #4738 and on
4 photos starting at #4864 for Swell City and 6+ photos at #5075 vicinity for Cheap Beach
There may be photos at the Hatch and Event Site/waterfront park as well but I did not see any after a brief search, he was mostly traveling as I circled him over a dozen times.
Spending too much time wave riding, etc., I was unhooked so much that my left arm swelled with blood and I could barely grip with my left hand. So I wisely decided to blast back to the launch and may have set new speed records as this board is extremely fast and stable hard off the wind. Both cameras had shut down to to lack of memory and/or battery power, so there may not be documentation of this thrilling ending to an amazing day.
In other news, I am busy working on engineering, design refinement, and plans for construction of prototypes for 2 new inventions that will complement the MoaB (TM) repositioner, but actually are completely stand alone ideas. Pretty ambitious, and testing is going to be a bit of a challenge, as it continues to be SOP for me to be "mobbed" at any public launches. However, I have a number of "secret" launches, and private launches (such as Club Shred) at our disposal.
I want to thank all those helping me behind the scenes, you will be part of history, and in the videos and future blog posts (with your consent). Again, my email is
Shorter, more frequent updates on Facebook
( Disruptive Wind ).
( I hope to edit this post and add pictures later as I finally get to review footage, however, all our hard drives are full right now (8-18-15 update, now dealing with 5 hard drives and over 7 (seven!) TERABYTES of data) so it may be awhile...)
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Is it Safe?
None of us wants to get hurt.
We all know windsurfing is a dangerous, high - adrenaline sport, especially in strong gusty wind, rough water, waves, etc..
Upon first sight of a MoaB (TM) repositioner prototype ,
a common question I am asked is "Is it safe?",
often followed by "That looks scary!"
To which I usually respond with a speech about how the foot-decks will rotate to let your feet out to avoid the dreaded forward "trapped foot" fall (see picture above) , but even if odds are against you and the foot-deck does not rotate, it will pull out of the track with a force similar to a ski binding release. I know this through my own experience. And a pulled out foot-deck is a whole lot easier and cheaper to rectify than a pulled out foot strap screw or insert.
(yes, I should do a video on this topic).
Trying something new is scary and the potential for getting hurt is always there during any learning curve. Having habits in place does offer safety. Knowing what not to do helps as well.
However, the unforeseen is what can get you,
no matter how good you are.
This leads into my final point here. I have have been in a lot of discussions lately about jibing, gybing, learning to foil, gybing while foiling, etc. I am talking to world authorities and industry insiders who live and breathe this stuff. And one of them just said to me
" One of the most dangerous things you can do while windsurfing is to take one foot out of a fixed strap while the other one is still in. If the unforeseen hits you at that instant..."
What hit me at the instant he said that is "We used to do that every time we gybe!"
He made my day!
I'm going on walkabout to renew, refresh, and get ready to move forward, so I'll be gone for the rest of this week. Take care, and be safe out there! - Peter
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
The No Way Gybe!
Lots of great stuff happening but this one stood out. What if I told you I could switch stance while windsurfing in challenging conditions and be TOE SIDE TO THE WIND with the sail downwind of my body and then slam a gybe! No way! Well, here is video to prove it and my friend Rich Mitchell cruising by upwind as a reference to show wind direction. MoaB (TM) repositioner: it's just beginning...
I never even would have thought this was possible but I was asked if I could ride "toe side" to the wave on the MoaB (TM ) repositioner. I misunderstood what was being asked and this breakthrough move is the result. It just goes to show that this thing is capable of more than I have even begun to imagine! Critical observers please note: this was my FIRST EVER attempt at this, in very challenging conditions (equipment and bodies were being broken this day) as the wind was 10 to 40 MPH plus, very gusty, with the rough water to go along with it. As I was moving along in the backwards stance, the wind dropped completely and the gybe was done upon realizing this, by coasting only, with a very unimpressive exit.
Along with the new "Spider" gybe (spin/slide with fins disengaged/in the air) there is lots more to practice and have fun with!
The proud-funding campaign at
has only hours left!
If you missed out and still want to make a deal
(of any sort) please contact me at It may still be possible to do a rush filing of foreign patents.
It has been a great learning experience and we now understand our challenges much better moving forward. Thank you!
Friday, July 24, 2015
We want hot windsurfing babes!
Today's post starts with the latest update from the Indigogo campaign at:
"Slashing prices again. Dropped the Europe down payment option to $10,000 USD ! Questions have been raised about why we do not have video of screaming carving gybes on flat water. Or loops! The honest answer to that is two-fold: Flat water with strong steady wind is non-existent locally, but even more importantly, it just never occurred to me that THE MUCH EASIER thing to do would be something that would impress anyone knowledgeable. Same story with loops.
We are a very small company. If we could hire hot young windsurfing babes to be doing all this and filming from a helicopter, or water cameras costing many thousands, and spending many thousands more getting "big names" to tout our product and paying magazines and PR firms big bucks as well, plus, eye-catching prototypes with hologram graphics, then it would have been a whole different story, wouldn't it?
From a technical standpoint, I could not be happier. All of the latest generation of prototypes have performed great! Every time out on the water we learn something new, and realize that exploring the possibilities has only just begun!"
The Reluctant Entrepreneur
I have been looking at video taken recently with an eye towards editing and creating new videos to publish. This is a very time consuming process which takes many times longer than capturing the video to begin with (also, there are at least 2 cameras). And there is a lot of great stuff. The problem is that I have to pick from all this great stuff : analysis paralysis. And since I am the one who did the stuff (currently, that will change again as we get beta tester video), I can relate the video to being there, and realize just how amazing it was to achieve what is seen, and the technical significance. The problem is that other viewers of the video know none of this, and only expert windsurfers, who have done the same thing, have any hope of picking up on the subtle nuances.
And then another field session happens, and even more great stuff is captured, and now I am even further behind! And the constant phone calls, e-mails, letters, Facebook PM's, job at the lab, mouths to feed, engines to replace, life! : This is the joyful (?) hell of the reluctant entrepreneur! Toss in a last minute proud-funding campaign because the patent filing deadlines are fast approaching and... well, I apologize that I can not make everyone happy, but I promise you, I may have to scale back and refocus, but I will continue on, to the best of my ability. Thank you!
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Naish Starship 100 is now a perk!
Crazy, but I'm going to let this board go to someone who will get much more joy out of it and hopefully show it off! The only perk you can play with right away! Taking a loss at $1500 to help spread the joy...
The campaign >>>>>>>
Upgraded with the latest prototype, latest footdecks, spare parts, and product support for one year. Basically, the board that would go to a beta tester. Free delivery and instruction if to the Columbia River Gorge area. I'll ship it elsewhere but you will have to share costs of doing so (shipping, packaging, tax, import fees, etc.). A very fun and fast board but not designed for wave riding. My style has caused me to "pearl" it (nose in and crash) a few times! Probably just me but be aware there is very little nose rocker, probably one of the reasons it is so fast and stable in the chop.
If, for any reason the prototype is not your cup of tea, it can be removed entirely and fixed foot straps reinstalled. That's the beauty of our add on concept, no changes to the underlying board required!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Reverse auction of Europe!
The proud-funding campaign at Indiegogo :
has been a huge success, although I apologize to Indiegogo for not making them a single cent so far.
Perhaps this latest HUGE TWIST will do the trick for them. Certainly we have given them a lot of publicity, as the media has run with the "fluffy factor" (I have no idea, just repeating what they told me and I did not want to seem ignorant) as well as the unique concepts introduced using their platform. I was well aware of Indiegogo's "gogofactor algorithm" and used that to advantage to generate interest in over 50 countries! I sincerely thank all of my great friends who took time out of their busy lives to lend a hand. Thank you!
OK, let's get to it. Obviously. we had our sights set on Europe as it is the largest current market and, frankly, most receptive to new concepts. However, the unitary patent seems unlikely to be fully ratified soon enough for our needs. I run the huge risk of overextending Disruptive Wind by being too greedy. The goal is for Disruptive Wind to thrive and to get this concept out there in a manner that gives it the greatest chance to be taken seriously. So we are going to focus locally. Also, and I want to be really careful about how I say this, we have serious interest in a synergistic opportunity to couple our innovation with other innovation that has more of a "WOW factor". If there is one drawback to this campaign, it is "How are we going to do this in secret now?" I am going to try not to worry about it too much.
Starting price of $70,000 USD (about 65,000 EUR) gives a contract to assign a Europatent (or any combination of countries covered by the PCT) application that YOU file,
And, a $15,000 perk option for a down payment to lock in the sale to you (as long as no one else pays full price before we can remove the perk. If that happens, full refund to you.)
Also, $10,000 USD perk add on option available if you want me to file it. Ask around, this is a very good price! This price, as well as the down payment option, will not drop.
At least once each day, at times of my own choosing, the price will drop, until it sells. If someone buys it publicly OR privately, the perk will disappear. However, a private pending deal will not remove the perk, only a completed deal. Thus, a private deal has secondary rights only. I would suggest going through Indiegogo as their platform is impartial and there is no doubt who bought it first. I am not trying to scam anybody and I am very wary of myself or other potential buyers losing out as well.
If you want to privately make an offer below the current price, go right ahead.
I love creativity; feel free to offer up a trade, equity, licensing, surprise me.
Note that it will not be possible to bid higher once the perk is sold, a legit sale is a sale, done deal.
If you are a patent troll, please use Indiegogo. It does not judge.
European PCT countries (37, to the best of my knowledge)
Czech Republic
Macedonia (former Yugoslav Republic of)
San Marino
For those interested, countries in bold and/or capitalized are those from which there has been interest as of this posting (or update) . My apologies if I have missed you!
Note that the Europatent has significant fees after the filing. It can be filed in English. But to obtain final grants in some countries may require translation. Also, maintenance fees in Europe are high. This is a huge and significant market for windsurfing, so it may well be worth the cost. Please do your due diligence. Also, the examiners there are "tough" and may not grant as comprehensive a patent as was obtained in the US, or may not even grant one at all.
Best of luck and enjoy the show!
The latest video is here to help perplexed windsurfers understand what is different here and why I am so excited about it. It finally dawned on me that my stance has changed from a typical surfer "stand sideways to the board" to a more skier like "face forward" with the ever present option to switch to either side depending on the situation and my whims. This really is a new freedom I have never experienced before. I am looking forward to sharing it and exploring it further!
In other news, expect a BIG change very soon with the proud-funding campaign at
Gonna make history once again with the first ever crowdfunding reverse auction of Europe!
The blog and campaign will be updated at very close to the same time with the detailed explanation here.
As usual, you can contact me directly at if you want to be the first and only big winner. 37 countries that comprise the largest current windsurfing market on the planet.
"Buy it Now" for only $71,000 USD or 65,000 EUR . Good luck!
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Africa sale package at $80 per country!
Starting over thanks to an offer from Seoul that has nothing to do with the proud -funding campaign located here:
Here is the update I posted on the campaign:
"Completely unrelated to the campaign, I have received an offer from Seoul for Korea, Japan, and China. I'm going to keep them available until a deal is near, but as a package instead (warning, the price may change as things progress). The nature of the offer has us rethinking the premise of offering patent applications as perks. We are going to look instead at offering patent rights to countries instead. This is because the larger players have their own legal teams that can file the applications themselves for less cost. I have to build in a buffer to offer the filed application, otherwise I could suffer a loss on the deal. Therefore, if you want the easy (but more expensive) filed application, act soon or alternatively,you can still deal with me directly later. Expect an easier to understand video as well (Worst Gybe Ever was not originally meant to be the lead video, but was put in last minute as a placeholder and then things got crazy!)."
Bottom line: Now I'm offering rights instead of filed applications!
And now I can offer incredible deals and make things much simpler for me to manage.
I still will offer filed applications at the prices previously listed on this blog, but you will have to contact me directly at .
Here is the update I posted on the campaign:
"Completely unrelated to the campaign, I have received an offer from Seoul for Korea, Japan, and China. I'm going to keep them available until a deal is near, but as a package instead (warning, the price may change as things progress). The nature of the offer has us rethinking the premise of offering patent applications as perks. We are going to look instead at offering patent rights to countries instead. This is because the larger players have their own legal teams that can file the applications themselves for less cost. I have to build in a buffer to offer the filed application, otherwise I could suffer a loss on the deal. Therefore, if you want the easy (but more expensive) filed application, act soon or alternatively,you can still deal with me directly later. Expect an easier to understand video as well (Worst Gybe Ever was not originally meant to be the lead video, but was put in last minute as a placeholder and then things got crazy!)."
Bottom line: Now I'm offering rights instead of filed applications!
And now I can offer incredible deals and make things much simpler for me to manage.
I still will offer filed applications at the prices previously listed on this blog, but you will have to contact me directly at .
How cheap? Well, Cuba or Mexico can be now had for $800 USD each!
I'm now offering the entire African continent (all PCT countries, around 50 total)
that includes Egypt and South Africa for only $4000!
I must reiterate that under the new structure you will bear the cost and time involved to find lawyers and pay them to file the application (although in some cases you can do this yourself, especially if it is your country). In some countries, the patent must be translated from English. This is a comprehensive and lengthy patent that I estimate at almost 10,000 words! If you can not do this yourself, it could cost over $1000 for translation.
Also, very important (and the whole reason for the rushed campaign and cheap prices), all applications must be filed by September 25, 2015 or October 25, 2015, depending on the country.
The African List: (I apologize if I miss any and please note that not every country is a PCT member)
Egypt, South Africa, Angola, Libya
OAPI regional patent application:
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Comoros, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Togo
ARIPO regional patent application:
Botswana, Ghana, Gambia, Kenya, Liberia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Nambia, Rwanda, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
I'm now offering the entire African continent (all PCT countries, around 50 total)
that includes Egypt and South Africa for only $4000!
I must reiterate that under the new structure you will bear the cost and time involved to find lawyers and pay them to file the application (although in some cases you can do this yourself, especially if it is your country). In some countries, the patent must be translated from English. This is a comprehensive and lengthy patent that I estimate at almost 10,000 words! If you can not do this yourself, it could cost over $1000 for translation.
Also, very important (and the whole reason for the rushed campaign and cheap prices), all applications must be filed by September 25, 2015 or October 25, 2015, depending on the country.
The African List: (I apologize if I miss any and please note that not every country is a PCT member)
Egypt, South Africa, Angola, Libya
OAPI regional patent application:
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Comoros, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Togo
ARIPO regional patent application:
Botswana, Ghana, Gambia, Kenya, Liberia, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Nambia, Rwanda, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Friday, July 17, 2015
Bashed by the best!
Well, we have hit the big time!
The most prolific poster on any windsurfing forum anywhere on the planet (yes, he has more than triple the posts of Isobars on iWindsurf) named (appropriately?) Basher has finally made a post he can not take back! I present the exchange to you in it's entirety (so far) :
My reply "Sorry to disappoint, but I'll respond on more than one point.
My main goal was to present the new idea for discussion.
Multiple manufacturers I have talked to have said the weight issue is a non-issue for a production board because the regular footstrap inserts and reinforcements would be replaced by the simpler system. Also, the full pad is an alternative to board reinforcement in that area, plus the foot decks distribute impact force. Even just modifying a stock board added only 1 kg of weight to a 90 liter board.
Wrongly perceived problem? Seriously? You have just insulted many folks who have been windsurfing for many years who could benefit from this, as I have. Plus, you cement a barrier for beginners and those unable or unwilling to put the time in. This thing is so much fun that it draws one to put more time in, since your sailing becomes more efficient and you progress much faster.
If you ever make your way to the Gorge area in Oregon/Washington USA , I'll put you on one and you will see for yourself the possibilities.
And I promise that I will never circumvent regular advertising channels to promote a consumer PRODUCT in a forum.
I was offering an opportunity to save windsurfing, and to profit doing so, for OTHER THAN JUST THE BIG PLAYERS!
So, in conclusion, if windsurfing dies, I blame you, and if this succeeds I reserve the right to quote your naysaying later! (just kidding)
No, I do appreciate your feedback, thank you!"
Here's a link to the discussion:!
I am getting a lot of feedback from all over the planet. Good stuff! Keep it coming....
The most prolific poster on any windsurfing forum anywhere on the planet (yes, he has more than triple the posts of Isobars on iWindsurf) named (appropriately?) Basher has finally made a post he can not take back! I present the exchange to you in it's entirety (so far) :
I'd suggest you learn to gybe, and then think again.
Frankly, it's a shed-dweller's idea for a wrongly-perceived problem that is better solved through learning to gybe with good technique, which takes time.
You are wasting your time.
And, to be blunt, we've also had a few too many promo posts from you about this on here, across several threads.
I'd also add – obvious issue – that a sliding footstrap change on a board for incompetent people makes the board just too heavy.
If you want to come back to me on that last point then great. We're not adverse to new ideas on here, but obvious plugging or – in your case, asking for investment – is a bit naff.
Frankly, it's a shed-dweller's idea for a wrongly-perceived problem that is better solved through learning to gybe with good technique, which takes time.
You are wasting your time.
And, to be blunt, we've also had a few too many promo posts from you about this on here, across several threads.
I'd also add – obvious issue – that a sliding footstrap change on a board for incompetent people makes the board just too heavy.
If you want to come back to me on that last point then great. We're not adverse to new ideas on here, but obvious plugging or – in your case, asking for investment – is a bit naff.
My main goal was to present the new idea for discussion.
Multiple manufacturers I have talked to have said the weight issue is a non-issue for a production board because the regular footstrap inserts and reinforcements would be replaced by the simpler system. Also, the full pad is an alternative to board reinforcement in that area, plus the foot decks distribute impact force. Even just modifying a stock board added only 1 kg of weight to a 90 liter board.
Wrongly perceived problem? Seriously? You have just insulted many folks who have been windsurfing for many years who could benefit from this, as I have. Plus, you cement a barrier for beginners and those unable or unwilling to put the time in. This thing is so much fun that it draws one to put more time in, since your sailing becomes more efficient and you progress much faster.
If you ever make your way to the Gorge area in Oregon/Washington USA , I'll put you on one and you will see for yourself the possibilities.
And I promise that I will never circumvent regular advertising channels to promote a consumer PRODUCT in a forum.
I was offering an opportunity to save windsurfing, and to profit doing so, for OTHER THAN JUST THE BIG PLAYERS!
So, in conclusion, if windsurfing dies, I blame you, and if this succeeds I reserve the right to quote your naysaying later! (just kidding)
No, I do appreciate your feedback, thank you!"
Here's a link to the discussion:!
I am getting a lot of feedback from all over the planet. Good stuff! Keep it coming....
What has been going on?
Launched the "proud-funding" campaign on schedule and then immediately took the Great White van on it's first windsurfing trip with the new motor. You must understand, I had a brand new prototype to test, with great wind forecast, and a fine group of windsurfers to share the experience with.
So off we went...
Launched the "proud-funding" campaign on schedule and then immediately took the Great White van on it's first windsurfing trip with the new motor. You must understand, I had a brand new prototype to test, with great wind forecast, and a fine group of windsurfers to share the experience with.
So off we went...
The new prototype was added to a Starboard Fish 90 Liter and adds only 1 kg over the original weight. For a board I had only been on for a few minutes before the conversion, it rode fantastic right from the start.
Day 1 was "too windy" to do the planned demo day at Swell City/Hatchery so we ended up at Mosier instead. Not satisfied with how fast the wind built there, we decided to be "pro-active" and moved the whole show (4 vehicles) to Rowena. I had too large a sail on (5.7 Loft), but I was so happy at being absurdly powered up that I blasted upriver to Doug's Beach (my first down-winder on this stretch of water) where the sail was more appropriate. Found some great large smooth river swells at "Doug's West" that were empty and mine to play on! Headed back to Rowena to even stronger wind. A great day.
Day 2 found us back at Mosier, this time to stay. Using a 5.0 meter sail, I was still quite "generously" powered. This time I headed downriver towards Bingen , turning around by Marker 42. This area of the Gorge is one of my favorites, as the wind is trapped and focused between cliffs on both sides. I call it "The Walls". There is also a green Marker 41, just like at The Wall.
Now familiar with this board, I began to experiment. Soon I had invented a new (to me) jibe I'm going to name the "Spider". It's both a spin and slide of the board that the MoaB (TM) repositioner makes super easy. The secret is to be in the opposite stance early, and then spin the board on top of a swell so the fins are in the air, and then slide off the swell peak to land onto the wave face! I can hardly wait to try this in the surf!
I had some other amazing things happen on this journey, but I'll have to wait until I review the video from the cameras before I go public with it. One thing I have learned, during this amazing adventure of product development, is that one's memory/perception of what happened is not necessarily what did happen! The video tells all, if it catches it.
"The Future of Windsurfing" update: The campaign was at the "dreaded empty" when I just checked it. That's right. $0 ! Folks from 36 different countries have taken a look, so it's not like it's invisible.
The "dreaded empty" is called that because most campaigns fail when that is the case at this point. However, I am not worried because most campaigns also "pre-load" with pre-arranged "donations" that makes Indiegogo very happy (5% cut) and the uninformed think the campaign is off to a great start. The fact that the least costly perk is $8000 probably is a major factor as well. So I will enjoy the big zero while it lasts, there is still plenty of time. But keep in mind, once a country is sold, it;s gone!
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The Future of Windsurfing has launched!
"The Future of Windsurfing" campaign
Indiegogo campaign is live! Not perfect, but we did meet our own deadline.
Best of luck to all!
Here is a quick link to the post "Australia For Sale" for details about the plan:
We will update here, at the campaign, and on Facebook as the campaign progresses.
In other news, the Great White Sprinter van has a new engine and will be on the road with new prototypes very soon!
Here again is the campaign link:
click here for the campaign!
Indiegogo campaign is live! Not perfect, but we did meet our own deadline.
Best of luck to all!
Here is a quick link to the post "Australia For Sale" for details about the plan:
We will update here, at the campaign, and on Facebook as the campaign progresses.
In other news, the Great White Sprinter van has a new engine and will be on the road with new prototypes very soon!
Here again is the campaign link:
click here for the campaign!
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Worst Gybe Ever!
There is a lot going on as we prepare to make a big splash, in more ways than one!
But the latest prototype is done and a nice, less than 2 minute video, that surpasses anything we have done yet. Not really ready to "launch" the video quite yet as it is part of a larger plan, but since it is live, I see no real reason not to let my faithful readers get a first viewing.
Once the great music starts, turn up the volume and... Enjoy!
We have set a target go live on the first come, first served, FIRST EVER patent application crowdfunding campaign for July 14, 2015. See "Australia For Sale" earlier log post for details.
All for now!
But the latest prototype is done and a nice, less than 2 minute video, that surpasses anything we have done yet. Not really ready to "launch" the video quite yet as it is part of a larger plan, but since it is live, I see no real reason not to let my faithful readers get a first viewing.
Once the great music starts, turn up the volume and... Enjoy!
All for now!
Monday, July 6, 2015
The ideas, I can't make them stop!
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conventional wisdom
What if you could surf where there is no waves?
What if you could windsurf where there is no wind?
What if you could do both with the same watercraft?
What if Bernie Sanders becomes the next US president?
This is the future as seen by Peter Schulz!
My apologies for deleting the post content that was here, reasons will become evident later....
Friday, July 3, 2015
Going even more public!
In the interest of keeping current on where we are at, I just sent this letter to Amy Carter at Boards Windsurfing Magazine:
Hello Amy,
What a coincidence that Boards is choosing July to focus on innovation in windsurfing!
My company Disruptive Wind is just about to sell off some foreign patent applications in one of the most unique fund raising ideas ever. See "Australia For Sale" at
The invention has been granted a very powerful patent by the USA #8,870,615 Dynamic Foot Repositioning Systems. The international patent is PCT/US14/30556.
Basically the idea is that you have only 2 feet, so why do we use multiple foot straps that must be exited and re-entered during the most critical times? My system uses a pair of sliding "footdecks" that allow you to be attached to the board continually during gybes and other maneuvers. You can even have your feet side by side! Great freedom of movement when you want it and security when you need it. Simply un-weight the feet to move them along the tracks.
See the video "3 Mile" to see this in action. There are more videos on my You Tube channel (Peter Schulz) and elsewhere, plus we are busily working on a new video that we hope to release soon called "Worst Gybe Ever?" that should create a stir. Also, I see the need for a better "sales pitch" video so that is on our busy to do list as well.
I am the "Crazy Inventor Guy" who posted a teaser video "92 seconds" on your forum thread "Step v Strap" (page 2 Technique thread contents, page 8, post #55)) as part of a market study. We have been very secretive during product development but have recently decided to "go public' in order to raise funds as well as to put pressure on some companies we hope to make a deal with. Have fun checking on me, my company, and this exciting new innovation! I look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you choose to share with the world. Thanks, Peter Schulz
P.S. Ever heard of Wyatt Miller or Phil at Horue? These are some of the folks "in the know".
Within minutes, received this reply:
1:21 PM (1 minute ago)
![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
Hey Peter,
This is the world we live in now!
Here's some photos of our latest projects:

A strapless windsurf wave board? We shall see....
But wait, there's more:
In response to a query from ,
I sent this reply:
My company Disruptive Wind is just about to sell off some foreign patent applications in one of the most unique fund raising ideas ever.
We will probably do this by offering these as "perks" in a crowdfunding campaign, probably through Indieagogo. To my knowledge, patent applications have NEVER been sold in this manner.
See "Australia For Sale" at
The invention has been granted a very powerful patent by the USA #8,870,615 Dynamic Foot Repositioning Systems. The international patent is PCT/US14/30556.
This innovation will have the most initial impact on the windsurfing industry. Basically the idea is that you have only 2 feet, so why do we use multiple foot straps that must be exited and re-entered during the most critical times? My system uses a pair of sliding "footdecks" that allow you to be attached to the board continually during gybes and other maneuvers. You can even have your feet side by side! Great freedom of movement when you want it and security when you need it. Simply un-weight the feet to move them along the tracks.
See the video "3 Mile" to see this in action. There are more videos on my You Tube channel (Peter Schulz) and elsewhere, plus we are busily working on a new video that we hope to release soon called "Worst Gybe Ever?" that should create a stir. Also, I see the need for a better "sales pitch" video so that is on our busy to do list as well.
We have been very secretive during product development but have recently decided to "go public' in order to raise funds as well as to put pressure on some companies we hope to make a deal with. Have fun checking on me, my company, and this exciting new innovation! I look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you choose to share with the world. Thanks, Peter Schulz
Have a safe weekend!
thanks for getting in touch, this sounds awesome!
I’ve ccd Adrian in here, who’s in charge of equipment and testing, and Lukasz who looks after the sales accounts - i.e. figuring out deals with companies that would like promotion through the magazine. I’ll check out the product a little more and hopefully these guys can also let you know what we could look to do for you and how we could arrange this,
thanks a lot,
______________________________ _________
Amy Carter
Editor - Boards Magazine
Here's some photos of our latest projects:
A strapless windsurf wave board? We shall see....
But wait, there's more:
In response to a query from ,
I sent this reply:
My company Disruptive Wind is just about to sell off some foreign patent applications in one of the most unique fund raising ideas ever.
We will probably do this by offering these as "perks" in a crowdfunding campaign, probably through Indieagogo. To my knowledge, patent applications have NEVER been sold in this manner.
See "Australia For Sale" at
The invention has been granted a very powerful patent by the USA #8,870,615 Dynamic Foot Repositioning Systems. The international patent is PCT/US14/30556.
This innovation will have the most initial impact on the windsurfing industry. Basically the idea is that you have only 2 feet, so why do we use multiple foot straps that must be exited and re-entered during the most critical times? My system uses a pair of sliding "footdecks" that allow you to be attached to the board continually during gybes and other maneuvers. You can even have your feet side by side! Great freedom of movement when you want it and security when you need it. Simply un-weight the feet to move them along the tracks.
See the video "3 Mile" to see this in action. There are more videos on my You Tube channel (Peter Schulz) and elsewhere, plus we are busily working on a new video that we hope to release soon called "Worst Gybe Ever?" that should create a stir. Also, I see the need for a better "sales pitch" video so that is on our busy to do list as well.
We have been very secretive during product development but have recently decided to "go public' in order to raise funds as well as to put pressure on some companies we hope to make a deal with. Have fun checking on me, my company, and this exciting new innovation! I look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you choose to share with the world. Thanks, Peter Schulz
Have a safe weekend!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Setting World records!
As part of the process of learning how to use some new software, I decided to make a short You Tube video showing off how much fun I had setting some new world records last week.
The concept is simple. Design a "stunt" showing off the MoaB (TM) repositioner and then go do it.
We've done this a few times with some adventuresome down winders.
But this time I made a "world record" contest out of it that others can do as well.
The rules: Create starting and end points by drawing lines straight across the river that intersect with Marker 14 and Marker 15 in the Columbia River between Cascade Locks, Oregon USA and Stevenson, Washington USA. Closest launch is Bob's Beach park at Stevenson. Thus the name of the "contest" became "Bob's run" 1 and 2. Run 1 is from Marker 14 to 15. Run 2 is from Marker 14 to 15 and then continuing to a line drawn from the Stevenson pier across the river. These lines are able to be determined visually by the windsurfer competing so it is a true solo endeavor. Run 2 is not always possible as the wind drops off as you proceed upriver and I see no point in "limping" to the finish!
So here is the tricky part:
You MUST stay in the foot straps the entire run!
AND you must perform at least one regular gybe (sail flip and stance change with mast near body)
AND you must perform at least one duck gybe (clew near body sail flip and stance change).
No restrictions on board or sail size! Only one class for all (at this time).
If you come out of the straps or fail to do both jibes (of course you can do as many as you like) you must start over. There are many days where just making it to Marker 14 deserves an reward (it takes about 10 times as long to get there vs. the blast back).
I can not fathom a way to pull this off without using a repositioner.
Proof and timekeeping is done by contestant worn video (such as GoPro). Yell out the start and finish so you can review the video and determine the elapsed time.
So I launched on June 22 from Bob's Beach and made my way to Marker 14.
Made the gybes and set record #1 (on the second try) but the wind did die so Run 2 did not happen and I went in and changed from a 5.7 to a 7.0!
No clew mount on the 7.0 so only helmet cam footage was taken of records 2 and 3.
Here is the video made of records 2 and 3 (runs 1 and 2 with the 7.0) :
I'll give some thought as to a prize...
P.S. The board I used is the FoaB( see earlier posts). It is now my favorite light wind board and preferred for heavier beta testers or demos.
P.P.S You have not seen the MoaBmobile aka Great White (Sprinter van) for awhile now because the engine blew up. It is in "surgery right now getting a transplant". I'm hoping the patient does well and gets out on the road again. We miss her!
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